The Wedding Band Workshop

The Wedding Band Workshop

from $295.00

A Labour Of Love

In this single six hour workshop you and your partner will make each others wedding bands from scratch in silver, white gold, rose gold or yellow gold. Measure, cut, shape and polish your rings to perfection.

Come in for a consultation and fitting to choose your styles and get a material quote. You can even have stones set into the ring after it is finished. Consultations are ideally held 3- 4 weeks before your workshop date and can also be done virtually.

Spots are always available for this workshop however we ask that you please try to book well in advance when possible!

Workshops are held from 11am to 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays but feel free to ask about alternative dates.

Once we have you booked online we will send you a follow up email asking you to choose your consultation date and when you hope to have the rings completed by.

$420 Per Couple + the cost of materials

$295 For Solo + cost of materials

Group Size:
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