Silversmithing Workshops
Daytime Advanced Silversmithing
Continue to hone your Silversmithing skills!
In the 6 session (18 hours total) Advanced Silversmith workshop you will build on what you learned in the Silversmith for Beginners workshop by trying out more complicated joining techniques and advanced stone setting methods.
Rivets are great for “cold joining” your project parts and it is a useful and practical technique for projects at home.
You will also have the opportunity of learning more advanced stone setting methods like double bezels for faceted stones and flush mount setting (embedding stones).
As an alternative to the above, you will have the option to use your workshop time to further develop your craft and work on skills that interest you the most while receiving tips and guidance from your instructor.
Silversmith for Beginners is a pre-requisite for this workshop.
Please get in touch for our next available date!
If the current session is sold out, please check back as we add new dates regularly. To book for more than one person, please change the quantity in your cart. If the quantity does not change, this indicates that the rest of the spots are full. Please email us for the next start date.
(Note: the start date above indicates our current availability. If you signed up for a workshop that is before this date, it is now full, please check your confirmation email for your workshop date! When the current date has filled up, we will post the next available date for the workshop.)
10 grams of silver are included, brass and copper are free up 20 grams.